reputation for continuous improvement
As a supplier dedicated to providing high-quality industrial valves, Research & Development is central to our operation. We’ve earned a reputation for continuous improvement and rising to engineering challenges. Valve Research & Development helps ensure that we keep that reputation.

Our CAD Technology and 3D printing facilities are used in conjunction with computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis software tools enabling us to design, produce and test prototype components in just hours. As a result we're able to keep our customers’ projects on track whilst reinforcing our reputation for rapid technical responses.

Recent years have seen us establish a prominent position in the subsea sector thanks to our Research & Development in this area. This has been achieved through development and qualification of subsea choke valve and actuator designs and the achievement of mega cycle endurance performance levels.

Our dedicated testing facilities enables us to analyse and physically test our products in many ways to ensure that they meet the demanding requirements of the Oil & Gas sector. The facility allows for high pressure gas testing at 20,000psig and helium mass spectrometer leakage testing of the latest dynamic sealing technologies. This takes place in environments ranging from 200°C to -196°C.

We have responded to the needs of ever-harsher operating conditions by developing more durable trims. Materials such as tungsten carbide have proved to be exceptionally resilient in environments which have put customers’ previous trims out of service. Development of our multi-stage anti-cavitation trim technology has resulted in successful application of both surface and subsea valves at pressures of up to 15,000psig.
Contact us if you have a technical problem with any valves or equipment which you’d like to discuss.